Make Time for Your Partner

One thing is true in almost every relationship, making time for one another becomes increasingly more difficult.  Work, kids, activities, hobbies, family, can all get in the way of this important relationship. But hear me when I tell you this, “difficult” isn’t an excuse to let this one slide. Spending time together is SO IMPORTANT!  I am facing this issue right now. I have grown increasingly frustrated by how crazy life can get and before I know it, weeks have passed, and all of my good intentions have gone out the window. Kids, work, school, sports, friends, obligations — all of these things may be relevant (and necessary), but so is your relationship!

Just like anything else that is living, healthy relationships need time, attention, and commitment to make it grow and continue to thrive.  Yes, your relationship will develop and may change over time. Most people who have been married for several years can identify phases or “seasons” their relationships went through.  It’s good to remember that if you are in the thick of the busyness (like me), and you are struggling with it (like me), the good news is that it won’t be like this forever. However, it’s also important to remember that if you are in a calmer stage of life, and things seem to be running pretty smoothly, things can change quickly.

My point is that through the ups and downs, ebbs and flows of life, we need to carve out regular time and make a habit of having fun and showing our affection and care for each other.  How this plays out for you, might be different than mine. Some people love a sweet text, some prefer an extended conversation, another person would appreciate a thoughtful gift, and someone else may want some extra time to cuddle.  All of these things are good and help us connect, but we must always keep in mind how our partner prefers to connect, which may differ from ours. At this time of year especially, it’s important to ask yourself, “what makes my partner see hearts?”

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I encourage you to make a little extra time this week to think of a few ways you can show your sweetie how much you care.  Whether it’s taking a minute to give an extra long hug, sending a sweet text, or planning a thoughtful date night, it’s essential you show your loved one some extra love.  Great relationships don’t just happen; they take time, energy and commitment.

Make sure to check back next week as we explore more heart-centered posts.  And if you missed last week’s post, we shared beautifully designed and fully shareable quotes you can save and text or send to your favorite people. Want never to miss a post again? Head to our home page and subscribe to receive our weekly inspirational messages right to your inbox.

Your Virtual Life Coach,


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