Love Quotes to Share

I don’t know about you, but I am excited about February.  Not only is it considered the “love” month, but it means we are another month closer to winter being behind us.  Speaking of love, one of my goals for 2019, is to fall more in love with my wife. An idealist maybe, but my thought is, if you’re going to get married, why not give it everything you got to have the best marriage possible.  Not that I don’t love her already, but because we are in a very busy season of life, we aren’t always good at making enough time for each other. Hint: Sometimes sharing love quotes or saying something encouraging can reconnect the relationship. 

I bet you would agree that it’s not always easy to communicate how we feel to those we love.  While actions can often be more important than words, words are still very important!  You may struggle a bit at expressing and encouraging with words, but that doesn’t mean you are off the hook.  Rather, it just means you have to work a little harder. It is so important to let those you love know it. So as we begin the “love” month, my team has assembled some beautiful love quotes to help you get started.

Note: To send them to someone special, right click on the image and select save image. You are free to send the message to anyone you’d like — whether that is in a text or a message.  As I said last week, Winter can be a bleak time and many struggle with “winter blues,” so an encouraging message can be the perfect way to express love to someone you care about.  Hope you enjoy these quotes below!

Romantic Quote



Quote for Mom Mothers




Romantic William Shakespeare Quote



Romantic Quote Love Saying



Encouraging Quote



Romantic Quote


Encouraging Quote Sweet Quote


Whether it’s a romantic quote or a quote you are sending a friend, these quotes are simple yet get straight to the heart — they communicate a sincere appreciation for those you love.  So send a few of these out this month and brighten up someone’s day. This month we are going to explore more about love, so check back with us next week for some no-stress date ideas, plus some more fun things to come.  Love these quotes? Share them, pin them, or post them to your Facebook and let others take advantage of these free and ready-to-share quotes, too!


Your Virtual Life Coach,




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